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We have all asked our Guardian Angels for help during troubled times in our lives. They are with us always...whether there is strife or joy or any feelings in between.
One thing that is certain


They are our helpers as we walk this plane.
Religions of all kinds have depicted Angels in different 
forms, from winged avengers, to Spirits that comfort with 
soft flowing caresses.

I liked this picture of the Angel, as it reminds me they
have no boundaries, are not for just one religion.
They are Universal.
They bring us messages in SO many forms, from the Sun, Moon and Stars, to our children, pets and even those we
meet along our travels here. :)

I have found some interesting information on
Angels and Astrology,
 some cute sites, and some different forms of Angel pages!
Hope you enjoy the journey through the stars :)

Zodiac Healing Angels

Angel Doorway Bubble Magic

Harbor Lights

Angel Free Greeting Cards



  "Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all."

              ~Emily Dickinson~


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